These are some of the pics from the weekend.
Festival 8 was pretty incredible. As far as festival set-ups go, they had everything very well organized and in place. The scenery in the desert was beautiful. Everywhere I was the entire weekend was surrounded by mountains. It was a really good place for this event.
The highlight in the set design was the lighting. Everything was lit up at night, changing colors constantly....palm trees, artwork lining the field and even the vending tents. The theme for the installations on the site seemed to be 'fire.' All of the artwork was fire-related in some way. Instead of a typical bonfire.....they had this amazing metal sculpture that threw flames around on the inside (on the top) and actually was warm too.
The weather was spectacular.....although the acoustic set on Sunday was pretty hot, but well worth it. The acoustic set and the last set of the weekend were my favorites. You can view the set lists from all three days
I could go on and on about all the 'cool' stuff (some great costumes of course and I saw Greenman, which was enough for me) that was there and how amazing Phish sounded, but I guess you just really had to be there to experience the magic.....
This is a snip-it from the encore of the last set....