Deer Tick is my new favorite band.....and I think they will be for most. There sound is folky...singer-songwriter..etc. I find it to have a southern twang which I like and lead singer
John McCauley's voice has a very 'old-feeling' sound with the raspy-ness of Kevn Kinney. They released their second album 'Born on Flag Day' in June of 2009. Their first album 'War Elephant' was released in '07 and re-released in '08.
Deer Tick is from Providence, RI and they were the first band featured on Brian Williams new music show on MSNBC,
BriTunes. He seems to have pretty good taste in music from what is up so can watch Deer Tick's interview
here. 'Art Isn't Real' and 'Ashamed' are two of my favorite tracks...but I'm loving them all. This sampler has two covers as well..'Beautiful Girls' and 'Still Crazy After All These Years' by Paul Simon...really good.